Developer installation (Anaconda Cloud)

Developer installations are useful for those who want to customise the labscript suite.


You need not fork, clone, and install editable versions of all labscript suite repositories to customise your installation and/or contribute changes back to the base repositories. For example, if you only want to develop custom labscript device drivers, you might only fork and clone the labscript-devices repository. Moreover, there is now an option to write and use custom labscript device drivers outside of the labscript-devices installation directory.

In this example, we will use an existing conda environment named py38. Skip the first line/step if continuing on from the instructions to set up this environment.

Quick start


After the first line, the current directory is ommited from the command prompt for brevity.

(base) C:\Users\wkheisenberg> mkdir labscript-suite
(base) > cd labscript-suite
(base) > git clone
(base) > git clone
(base) > git clone
(base) > git clone
(base) > git clone
(base) > git clone
(base) > git clone
(base) > conda activate py38
(py38) > conda config --env --add channels labscript-suite
(py38) > conda install setuptools-conda pyqt pip desktop-app
(py38) > setuptools-conda install-requirements ^
         labscript runmanager blacs lyse runviewer labscript-devices labscript-utils
(py38) > pip install --no-build-isolation --no-deps ^
         -e labscript -e runmanager -e blacs -e lyse ^
         -e runviewer -e labscript-devices -e labscript-utils
(py38) > labscript-profile-create
(py38) > desktop-app install blacs lyse runmanager runviewer

Detailed instructions

  • Under construction*